
Software and Hardware Architectures for Autonomous, Adaptative and Cyberphysical Systems

SHARC is an interdisciplinary annual scientific workshop on 
software and hardware architectures
for robots and autonomous systems control:
how to design, develop and validate them integrating all autonomous and
embedded constraints. It brings together researchers and practitioners from universities,
institutions and industries, working in this field. It intends to be a meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise,
identified trends and issues, as well as new
scientific results and applications around control architectures
and autonomous systems topics. SHARC2023 will also include half-a-day focused on Marine Applications.

 Due to organisation constraints, the SHARC conference is posponed to a date to be determined



Paper submission (full paper or extended abstract): TBA

Paper Acceptation Notification:TBA

Camera ready due: TBA

Conference: to be rescheduled

Online user: 1 Privacy